Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Cruising the Bahamas

Wow, once again, it has been a long time since I have updated this, I'm not too good at keeping diaries!! Well, this post is about our cruise.
Cruise was amazing!!!! We set sail at about 5pm on Monday afternoon, it was smooth sailing which was good :) So much food though, we went for a bit of a walk around the ship and everywhere there was a restaurant. Our room was pretty small. There was a double bed then 2 fold down beds. We each had a night in the double bed then drew straws for the last night (I won) The first night was pretty rough - I only managed about 3 hours sleep all up. The first port was called Freeport - it was raining. We got off the ship and went for a bit of a wander. We went down to the local market - goodness knows how many times I was asked if I wanted my hair braided!! They had some nice things, all locally and handmade, a lot of straw type items - what would I do with them!! We got back on the ship and headed to get some food. Found a casino (lost about $5 all up, maybe $10), had a look at a few shops, they have a nightclub on board. We went there on Tuesday night. They had a Dancing with the Stars type competition. My roommate thought it would be cool for her to enter (coz she is a dancer), she got chosen and ended up winning the competition which was awesome!! She was kind of a celebrity for the rest of the trip.
The next day we went to Great Stirrup Cay which is a small island owned by Norweigan Cruise line. There is no dock so the ship dropped the anchor in the middle of the ocean and ferries had to come and pick us up. It was cool though, because there was another little island owned by Carnival cruises and in front of it were 2 ships, standing on the beach looking back, there were 3 cruise ships in the ocean. It was a cool sight. So we lay on the beach for a bit. I was trying to get some colour on my legs and did, but on half of them haha. The way I was sitting only got colour on half my body, my upper arm is a bit pink, the other one is white haha!!! I promised the girls that Id have a drink, so I bought a magherita! I didn't drink all of it though, it went warm so I tipped it out. After all the drinking, we went back to the ship and got ready to do some things at night. We went to a broadway show, a quiz show and dinner I think. I went back to the room to lie down though, the movement of the ship was intense and making me feel sick!! I needed a lie down but I felt better later on.
The next day we arrived in Nassau which is kind of the main island (yesterday). Another ship docked beside us, it was a pretty cool sight! We had breakfast then disembarked! The first thing we all wanted to do was of course go to Atlantis!! We did and it was amazing!!!!!! It is on its own little island and its so luxurious. Walking into it, there was a Gucci, Cartier, Selvatore Feragamo shops (I went inside the Gucci shop just because) everything was very up market. It must cost a fortune to stay there, but of course, in the Bahamas, you don't pay any tax on anything! We even went into the Atlantis casino and gambled $2 each and got a receipt to prove we had been there. After walking thru this palace, we headed back to the main shopping street to well, shop!!! At the end of the street was a "straw market". It was very tempting to me coz they had a lot of chanel, gucci, LV, coach bags and stuff!!!! I did buy a LV wallet but was tempted to buy a lot more than that!! Up the main street were diamond stores and so many T shirt stores, like, discount t shirt stores. I bought a Nassau tee for $10. The room key is also the charge key. When we checked in, we were required to link it to a credit card. I was lucky though, I think I spent about $60 all up on drinks, photos and some other stuff on board (not including the $48 gratuity) it was a compulsory $12 a day tip!!!! So it was pretty cheap, all things considered.
We got off the ship this morning and we all still felt like we were on it - like, we were all swaying and stuff. Then we had a 7 hour train ride back home. We caught a train from Miami (which is 4 hours away) but it went via Tampa then back down, then up to Orlando. So all that swaying we still feel like we are on the ship!!! So much fu though, I would definitely do it again :) If you want to see the ship, look up Norweigan Sky on google!!!

Till next time....maybe :) x