Sunday, July 18, 2010

Arrival Day

The 17th of July was always going to be a long day!!! Getting to the airport only to be told the plane was late!!! Grrrr....Oh well, we sat and had coffee then it was time to go. I think saying goobye to my family was one of the hardest things to do!

I got on the plane (had a window seat) and met some guy who was travelling to England via the States. It turned out that has was on the same plane over to LA too. Anyway, we got to Auckland and had about 90mins between planes. I was following this guy round coz he had been there before haha. We arrived at the international terminal and had to check in to get a Qantas boarding pass. Then it was time to go thru security and board. The plane was HUGE!! first class looked so fancy but of course, we had to walk thru it to get to where we were. I had another window seat which was good. A guy came and sat with me and it turned out he was going to Disney too :) the 2 people behind us were also going....then another group of people overheard us and they were going was great. The flight was so long - it is quite difficult to sleep on the plane - I found it hard to get comfortable coz the guy in front of me kept putting his seat right back!!! The food was quite good :) beef lasagne and salad with cheese, crackers and a bread roll - and a drink. Then ice-cream. About 4 hours into the flight the lights were turned off to give everyone a chance to sleep. With about 1 hour til landing, we had breakfast - scrambled eggs with baked beans and sausages - yum!

We arrived in LA - man, what a HUGE airport!! It was a bit of a mission to find your way through but we got there. They had intense security all the way thru. After finally getting thru security, we made it to the domestic terminal to board the plane to Orlando. By this stage it was Saturday morning in the US and the middle of the night in NZ - we were all pretty tired. We got on the plane - the people at American Airlines didnt seem to care about much - people were taking on Starbucks and Burger King!! That flight was OK. I had a middle seat, they guy at the window put the blind down straight away GRRR!!! The plane doors closed and there was a spare window seat so I put my hand up straight away! I tried to sleep for some of the flight, but it was difficult. That flight was about 4.5 hours. 

We arrived in Orlando and the heat hit us straight away!!!We all waited for a bus to take us to the apartment complex and when we arrived, we were all greeted by Disney people and given welcome packs and an itenirary for the next few days. Later in the afternoon, we went to Walmart :D yay and got some supplies for the apartment and ended up getting home at about 10pm.

The beds in the apartment are not the most comfortable but after travelling for so long, it was good to lie down. Waking up the next morning - MAN it was so hot!!! I went for a bit of a walk and met one of the other girls who has been on the program for 6 months - it was good to meet her face-to-face!!!

Going to go and get some food now...til next time :)

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