Friday, July 30, 2010

the past week

Oh my goodness!! I have been so slack with this thing over the last few days.....sorry!!!! The truth is,  I am having too much fun =)

So, after our training session last week, we kinda all went our separate ways and got familiarised with our work places. For my position (in merchandise) I had 4 days of training including 1 day of on the job training - fun. Then at the end of that I had an assessment to make me a fully qualified sales person LoL. My store is huge as. The stock room alone os 3 floors (so not what I am used to). Got a tour of that - it is prob going to take me 6 months to get used to the stock haha. Then had register training then was left on my own for a bit which was great. I think that the currency is going to take a while to get used to. 
Thrusday (29th) was a day that was all me :) my first shift alone. Training done. It was pretty scary but the people that I was working with were all very cool. There are about 200 people that work in that store alone!! It's huge!!! 
Phoned home today too. It's dads birthday - HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAD!!! Spoke to mum and dad a bit. They said it was cold back home!! Times like those, Im glad Im here :) 
Friday (today) was fun. I had the day off - yay - so I went to Walmart. I bought a phone last week and it is playing up!! I can receive phone calls but not text messages :( so I took it back and they said that they would replace it but I didn't want one exactly the same so I got another one. Taking a while to set up though. Heading off to the movies now. Talk later xx

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