Sunday, August 29, 2010

Princess lunch and Pin

Ok so I think at the end of the last post I said that I was heading to lunch with the princesses for my friends birthday. It was so much fun. It was at the Norway pavillion at Epcot. We arrived about 15 minutes early so were able to ride the Maelstrom ride inside the pavillion. One of only a few rides in the entire world showcase. After that, we went back to our reservation. There were about 10 of us all together. We were greeted by Belle from Beauty and the Beast. She was doing the greetings at the front door because she couldnt manoevre through the tables coz of the size of her dress.
We sat down at the table and ordered drinks then got some salad and stuff from the buffet. When our meals arrived, the princesses started coming out one by one. First was Aurora (Sleeping Beauty), then Cinderella, then Snow White and finally Ariel. It was cool. They each came up to the table and birthday boy (Danual) had a photo with each f them. They were really cool - they stayed in character - Ariel was amazed that we swam so far to get here ;) I told her we ran into a few sharks on the way but it was no big deal. LoL.
After the lunch was over, we went for a walk around the show case - past all the countries - then headed to the Seas to see finding Nemo. It was a ride perfect for children that went through the Australian current and followed Marlin in his search for Nemo. Then we headed to Turtle Talk with Crush - which was entertaining.
Then we headed home and about 30mins later went to the outlet mall. The outlet mall was amazing - they have everything there - Ralph Lauren, Calvin Klien, Nike, Adidas, Hilfeger etc. All I spent was $15 on a t-shirt - I was quite proud of myself really.
After a long day with the princesses and shopping, we then headed home and I went to bed coz I had to get up for work at 5.30 the next morning.
I was working at a pin convention for 2 days. At Disney, there are little pins that guests can collect. As a cast member, I get a lanyard with 12 pins on it and guests can trade with me. At the convention, it was completely different. I wasnt allowed to wear my lanyard coz the pins that I had people were not interested in. These people are hard core collectors. I met one lady who had about 11,000 pins. People came with suitcases full of them. I was working at the pin board. The guest gets one minute to look at the board and trade 2 pins. The lines were about 40 people long the entire day. I saw the same guests in my line about 4-5 times. It was crazy but it was fun. It made the day go really quickly.
Well, thats all for now. Heading to Epcot tomorrow so I will keep you updated on that. Maybe going to Animal Kingdom sometime this week too. VEry exciting.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Epcot as a guest

Ok, so last week I told you that I was heading to Epcot as a guest and I did. It was fun. It went with my room mate Fran, and friends Kevin and Danual :) We got there about 10am and straight away got a fast pass for test track (one ride Ive been wanting to do for ages). We had to come back for that between 1-2pm. Se then we went and queued for Mission Space. That was awesome. It is a simulator that actually feels like you are being launched and flying through space. There were 4 of us and we each had a different task. I was navigator, Fran was commander, Kevin was engineer and Danual was the pilot. Like I said, we each had a different task to do, all that involved was pushing a button when we were told to haha. The journey only lasted a few minutes. Then we arrived on Mars....mission accomplished.
After Mission Space we headed to a place called Innoventions. In my opinion, it was more for kids...the activities that they had were kind of educational, but it was fun. We learnt how to ride a segway. It was quite hard at first...I got on and started rolling backwards which isnt what you are supposed to's all about the balance.
We then met up with Kevin and Frans work mate Kelly, she joined us just in time for test track.
We then went back to Test Track coz we had our fast pass. So you walk through a testing lab pretty much. What it is, they are creating a new car and we are the testers. So we go through a series of test before actually driving it. Brake tests, bumps in the road, handling and finally a crash test. Then hit the track. I was a bit disappointed at the end, I was kind of expecting it to go faster, I think the top speed was about 65 miles which I think is just over 100km.
Test Track was all over then we headed to Norway to eat. Getting fruit and a soda....not really very norweigien!! Then Kevin drove me home coz we both had work later my day involved going to Epcot, going home to get ready, then going to Epcot.

Till next time x

Monday, August 16, 2010

Last week

Wow, havent been on this in a while, Im sorry.
So, what has happened over the last week or two?? Heaps to be honest. I have met a few people who have been here for 6 months already. They have told me all about their adventures and experiences since January - interesting :)

Just been working quite a bit to tell you the truth. I work in merchandise at a store called Mouse Gear in Disneys Epcot. I worked there for 2 weeks before being deployed. Being deployed means that you move jobs for a short time. You are still working in merch but at a different store. It could be at the same park or anywhere across Disney property. Luckily, I was deployed to a store still at Epcot. That meant a new costume for a week - goody :) I went to get the costume which consists of a bright red shirt with all the countries of the world on it with white pants. I had to make a trip to wal mart to buy some shoes for the week $12 what a bargain. The new store was called towers and it was at the entrance to the world showcase at Epcot. It was right on the water and come 9pm everynight - a perfect view of the fireworks. I like working there for the week. Part of this store, were kiosks outside. They were under cover and had fans but were still outside. I workd in the kiosk for a few hours for 2 days. One of those days, we had to close. There was a storm coming with thunder and lightning. It was funny coz I had guests coming up to me and coz the kiosk was closing, they all assumed the park was too. The storm passed and we were able to open the kiosk again, fun times. Overall, I enjoyed my deployment. But, as they say, all good things come to an end. Back to Mousegear I go.

Yesterday I headed back to mouse gear and was on stock for the night. That was interesting. I had never done it before. I was just checking the stock on the floor and then going down to the stock room and topping it up. Back at Mouse gear tonight.

Im at Epcot everyday but havent actually been there as a guest yet, so heading to Epcot as a guest on Wednesday before work so I will keep you updated on that.
