Sunday, September 19, 2010

Short and sweet


It hasn't been a very productive week to tell you the truth. I was deployed last week which meant that I was at a new workplace just for the week. It was interesting. All of my shifts were morning shifts so that sucked for a start - I hate the mornings haha. The first day was at a small store just outside Epcot - not much foot traffic so it was a pretty quiet couple of days. Then I was working at strollers which was better. It was just giving people strollers or wheelchairs when they entered the park.
It was a cool location though, where I was based at strollers, I was able to see Stitch and Daisy Duck - they were awesome to watch - talk about staying in character :) it was great!!!
I was able to download Skype - took me long enough. I told my parents to download it as well. We set up a time and Skyped. We ended up talking for over an hour - I email them everyday but it was great to see their faces and to see my dog and cats :)
Gonna keep this post short and sweet. Til next time....

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