Sunday, October 10, 2010

Miami and Ft Lauderdale

Ok so, my room mate Emily had her mum and her mums friend over from NZ for the week. We went to Magic Kingdom on Tuesday and had heaps of fun. We saw the castle - Magic Kingdom is a place where I can sit all day and look at the castle - it really is a magical place :)

The next few days were fun - I just went to work. Thursday night came and I could not be more excited - why? I was going to Fort Lauderdale and Miami with the girls for the weekend. Yay.

Just got back from a great weekend away
It started on Friday morning, we had to get up at about 4 am to get a shuttle for 5am. He pulled up outside our apartment complex in a mini van (seating 8) and we thought he was going to take us to the coach but no!! We drove for 3.5hours in a tiny little van - very uncomfortable for sleeping might I add. There were only 4 people in the van but we were expecting something bigger.
We arrived in Fort Lauderdale. We got dropped off at a hotel and had to walk to our hotel - they offered door service for an extra $15 but it was only around the corner so no point in paying extra. We checked into the hotel and waited for Emily and her mum to arrive. When they arrived we set our plan for the day - we walked up to the bridge then caught a water taxi around the rivers. On the water taxi we were able to see some mega houses. Multi million dollar houses with massive launches out the front. Our first stop off the water taxi took us to a little street with boutiques and cafes - very nice but very expensive. We had lunch at a nice crepe place then had a look at a few shops. Then it was time to head back to the water taxi and head to the next stop which was the beach - yes, the beach!!!!!! It was so nice down there, honestly!!
After spending about 2 hours down near the beach and shops, we headed back to the water taxi and our hotel - we got a running commentary of all the houses and the captain told us that there will be a boat show coming up with about $3 BILLION worth of yachts and launches! Can u imagine?? Some of them were pretty impressive - 150ft plus....

The saturday was the most exciting day. We got up nice and early and headed for the train station to go down to MIAMI!!! We arrived in Miami and had something to eat and a look around a few shops, Kate and Emilys mums friend wanted to do a cruise around and look at all the houses in the area so the rest of us went shopping. Apparently on the cruise you could see the Rocks house and it was pretty big!!!!!!! After their cruise got back, we jumped on a bus and headed to South Beach. Driving towards south beach, we drove past a cruise ship terminal with 3 ships lined up. One of them was the Norweign Epic ship - it has waterslides on the top deck - it looks kinda ugly, but it is HUGE!!! Anyway, we got to South Beach and had to ask for directions on how to get to the main street, I thought the main street was on the water, but it wasnt. We found Washington Ave and kept walking and walking until we came across MIAMI INK!!!!! I took photos outside then I actually went in and had a look around haha. I met Chris Garver and Darren Brass from the show and had a photo with them, the others werent there. That was the highlight of my day. Then we walked down the street further and came across Dash, the store from the Kardashians!! We all went in. I actually bought something - a reusable bag haha. The cheapest thing in there was a water bottle and it was $10 only because it had their photo on it.
After those 2 exciting stores, we had a look at some other stores then headed to South Beach beach and had a paddle in the water. It was so nice down there and what made it even cooler, in the background, the ships that were in port earlier were leaving one by one.
We headed back to Washington Ave and had Mexican food for dinner. Our waiter was from Argentina but supported the All Blacks!!!!!!!! Yay!!
We then headed back to the train station and caught the train back to Ft Lauderdale and headed home.

Today was an early start to - there is a train system here called AmTrack - it runs from Miami all the way up to New York - we caught it from Ft Lauderdale up to Orlando - it took about 4-5 hours but it was nice. Nice and smooth ride, good view, comfy-ish seating haha. When it got to Orlando, we finally headed home.
Opened the door to our apartment and it is boiling hot - our air con filter had blown or something so the guy has just fixed it.

Till next time....xx :)

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